Class 11 States of Matter Notes

 States of Matter

1)    1) Three different states of matter ( solid, liquid, gas ) :

    Solid is that state of matter with a definite shape and volume.

    Liquid has a definite volume but no definite shape

   Gas has neither a definite shape nor volume

2)    2)  Two more states of matter :

a)     Plasma state which consists of a mixture of electrons and positivity-charged ions formed due to the superheating of gases

b)     Supercooled solid state in which atoms lose their identity to form a single super-atom.

 3 )  Triple point: It is the temperature at which all the three states of matter or phases of the same substance exist together

 4 ) Intermolecular force: these can be dipole–dipole, ion-dipole, dipole–induced dipole, dispersion, or London force, and hydrogen bonding. Dipole-dipole, dipole–induced dipole, and dispersion forces are collectively called van der Waal’s forces

 5 )  Intermolecular forces versus thermal energy: thermal energy is due to temperature which causes the movement of molecules and keeps them apart.


    It intermolecular forces >> thermal energy, the substance exists as solid.


    Its thermal energy >>  intermolecular force, the substance exists as a gas


    If there is a reasonable balance between the two, the substance is liquid


6 ) Gaseous state: Measurement of mass, volume, pressure, and temperature


1)     Mass: it is usually, expressed in moles

2)     Volume: 1L = 103

3)     Pressure: atmospheric pressure is measured with a barometer while the pressure of a gas is measured with a manometer. Pressure , p = hρg where h = height of mercury column , ρ = density of mercury ,  g = acceleration due to gravity,


1 atm = 76 cm = 760mm = 760tor

 1 atm = 1.01 bar or 1 bar = 0.987atm

 1Pa = 1N

4)                          Temperature :  -273.15*C = 0 K or 0*C = 273.15 K


7 ) Gas laws:

 (1) Boyle's law: Temperature remains constant, and the volume of a given mass of a gas is inversely                                  proportional to its pressure.


V inversely proportional to p at constant T or PV = constant


we conclude that Pd. At altitude, as P is low, hence d' is low, i.e., less O, is available for breathing. This is called altitude sickness.

2       (2 )  Charle's law: Pressure remaining constant, volume of a given mass of a gas increases or decreases                                 by 1 / 273 of its volume at 0°C for every one-degree rise or fall of 273 kelvin                                           temperature. Hence v1 = T, pressure remains constant, and the volume of a given                                     mass of gas are direct.


proportional to its absolute temperature. This means that V1 / T1 =V2 / T2 at constant P as V = KT, the plot of V versus T will be linear passing through the origin.


 (3) Gay-Lussac's Pressure: Temperature law: Similar to Charles' law, at constant volume,


 (4) Avogadro's law: Under similar conditions of temperature and pressure, equal volumes of all gases                                     contain an equal number of molecules, e.g., 22.4 L of any gas at 0°C (273.15 K)                                       and 1 atmospheric pressure contains Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10) molecules.                                       These are old STP conditions. Now, STP conditions, Now STP usually used are                                         0°C  and 1 bar pressure. Then, the molar volume is 22.7 L. If ambient STP                                                 conditions are used viz. 25°C (298.15 K) and 1 bar pressure, molar volume =                                             24.789 L = 24.8 L.


(5) Ideal gas equation: It represents the simultaneous effect of temperature and pressure on the volume                                         of a gas. The equation is P1V1 / T1 = P2V2/T2 = constant = R, gas constant.                                             Hence, PV = RT for 1 mole of the gas or PV = nRT for n moles of the gas.


(6) Dalton's law of partial pressures: If two or more gases that do not react chemically with each other                                                               are enclosed in a vessel, then total pressure exerted by the gaseous                                                             mixture is the sum of their partial pressure, ie., P = p, + P₂+ +                                                                     Thus,  if a gas is collected over water, P. moist gas =P dry gas                                                                     +Aqueous tension at that temperature.


(7) Graham's law of diffusion/effusion: Under similar conditions of temperature and pressure, rates of                                                                    diffusion/effusion of different gases are inversely proportional                                                                    to the the square root of their densities.


(9) Ideal and Real gases: A gas that obeys the ideal gas equation under all conditions of temperature and                                           pressure is called an ideal gas. However, the concept of an ideal gas is only                                               hypothetical. The gases obey gas laws only if pressure or temperature is low.                                             Such gases are called real gases.


8) Compressibility factor (Z): The extent of deviation of a real gas from ideal behaviour is PV                                                                 expressed in terms of compressibility factor (2) viz. Z= pv/ not


For ideal gas, Z= 1. For real gases, Z is not  1. When Z < 1, the gas is said to show-ve deviation. When Z> 1, it shows a +ve deviation. Gases like CO, CO2, CH4, etc. show →ve deviations at low pressure and +ve deviation at high pressure whereas H2, and He shows +ve deviation at all pressures. For gases showing - ve deviation, the deviation decreases with the increase of temperature. The temperature at which a real gas behaves like an ideal gas over an appreciable pressure range is called Boyle temperature


Thus, For a real gas, Z= pv/ not

Z = Vreal / Videal


10) Causes of deviation from the ideal behavior: Real gases show deviation from ideal behavior at                                                                                         low temperatures or high pressure. This is because                                                                                       under these conditions.


(1) Forces of attraction or repulsion among molecules may not be negligible.


(2) The volume occupied by molecules may not be negligible compared to the total volume of the gas.


11) Equation of state for real gases-van der Waal's equation: Applying correction to pressure and volume, the equation obtained is ( p + a/ v2 )(V-b)=Rt where 'a' and 'b' are called van der Waals constants.


12) Significance of van der Waal's constants: 'a' is a measure of the magnitude of attractive forces whereas 'b' is a measure of the effective size of the gas molecules, b = 4v where v is the actual volume of 1 mole of gas molecules, 'b' is called excluded volume or co-volume.


13) Why do H, and He show only +ve deviation?: H, and He is very small in size. Intermolecular forces of attraction in them are negligible, i.e... der Waals equation becomes a V2 is negligible. Hence, VA P(V-b) RT or PV = RT + Pb or PV RT 1+ RT ie. Z=1+


Thus, Z increases continuously with the increase of P


14) Liquefaction of gases and critical temperature: A gas can be liquefied by cooling the gas or applying pressure on the gas or the combined effect of both. However, for every gas, there is a particular temperature above .which a gas cannot be liquefied howsoever high pressure we may apply on the gas. This temperature is called critical temperature (T). The corresponding pressure and volume are called critical pressure (P) and critical volume (V).


15) Andrews experiments on critical phenomena: Taking CO, and gas, Andrews studied the effect of pressure on volume at different constant temperatures. Each plot of P versus Vat constant T is called an isotherm. From these isotherms, he determined the values of TP and V for CO. These were 30.98°C, 73.9 atm, and 95.6 mL mol.


16) Relation between critical temperature and van der Waals constant 'a': Greater the critical temperature, the more easily the gas can be liquefied. The greater the value of van der Waals constant a', the greater the intermolecular forces and hence more easily the gas can be liquefied. Thus 'a' increases in the same order as critical temperature. For example, He and H, have low values of 'T' and 'a' and hence are difficult to liquefy whereas CO, NH, and SO, have a high value of 'T' and 'a' and are easy to liquefy.


 17) Vapour pressure of a liquid: It is the pressure exerted by the vapor present in equilibrium with a liquid in a closed vessel at a particular temperature. Cooling is caused by evaporation because more energetic molecules leave the liquid.


→Factors affecting vapor pressure:

(1) Nature of the liquid: Weaker are the intermolecular forces, higher is the pressure.


(2) Temperature: Higher the temperature, the greater the vapor pressure. If P, and P₂ are vapour pressures at temperatures T, and T₂, then by Clausius-Clapeyron equation.


(3) Boiling point: It is the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid becomes equal to external pressure. When external pressure = 1 atm = 760 mm, it is called the normal boiling point.


18) Surface tension of liquids: It is the force acting at right angles to the surface along one centimetre length of the surface. Its units are dynes cm¹ or Nm


19) Surface energy of a liquid: It is the work required to be done to extend the surface area of the liquid by 1 sq. cm or 1 sq. m. Its units are ergs cm² or J m². The spherical shape of drops, fire polishing of glass, and rise of a liquid in a capillary tube are all due to the force of surface tension.


→Factors affecting surface tension:

(1) Nature of the liquid: Greater the intermolecular forces of attraction, the higher is the surface tension. 

(2) Temperature: Surface tension decreases with the increase in temperature because of kinetic energy increases and hence intermolecular attraction decreases


20) Viscosity of liquids: It is the internal resistance of a liquid to flow or it is the force of friction that one part of the liquid offers to another part of the liquid. For two layers each of surface area A cm, separated by distance dx cm and having velocity difference dv cm s


→Factors affecting viscosity :

 (1) Nature of the liquid: Greater the intermolecular forces, the higher the viscosity.

 (2) Temperature: The viscosity of a liquid decreases with an increase in temperature because kinetic energy increases and hence intermolecular forces of attraction decrease.