CLASS 11 Sets (Basics of Mathematics) Notes
# Definition
Collection of well defined objects.
e.g - List of all students studying in class 11th
# Representation of sets
A) Roaster/Tabular Form:- All the elements are listed, separated by commas and in closing curly brackets.
Ex: Natural number less than 5
B) Set Builder Form:- A statement is written here in in this form such that all the element of set have a single common property which is not possessed by any element outside the set.
A={x: x ∈ N, x<5}
# Type of Sets
A) Null/Empty/Void Set:- Contains no element.
Ex:- A= { }
B) Single ton Set:- Contains only one element.
Ex:- A={1}
C) Finite Set:- Finite number of element.
Ex:- A={1,2,3,4,5}
D) Infinite Set:- Contains Infinite number of element.
Ex:- A={x: x ∈ N}
E) Universal Set:- Superset of all set.
Ex:- U={x ∈ R}
F) Equal Set:- Two sets having same element.
G) Equivalent Set:- Sets having same cardinal number.
π Cardinal Number/Order of finite set:- Number of distinct element in the set.
Notations:- n(A),o(A),C(A),|A|
# Subsets
A set (A) is said to be subset of set (B), if every element of set (A) is also an element of set (B).
Ex:- A={1,2} B={1,2,3,5}
π Ο is always an subset of any set.
π Number of subset of any set = 2n, where n=n(A).
πNumber of proper subsets (All subsets excluding complete set) = 2n-1
# Power Set
Defined as set of subsets of any set.
Ex:- A={1,3}
Then, P(A)={Ο,{1},{3},{1,3}}
NOTE:- If n(A)= n
Then, n(P(A))=2n
N(P(P(A)))= 2**2**2
# Operations on Set
A) Union of Sets(U):- Present in either 'A' or 'B'.
Ex:- A={1,2} B={2,3}
π Properties
a) AUB=BUA d) AUU = U
b) (AUB)UC = AU(BUC) e) AUΟ = A
c) AUA = A
B) Intersection of Sets (∩):- Present in both.
Ex:- A={1,2} B={2,3}
A∩B= {2}
π Properties
a) A∩B=B∩A e) A∩U = A
b) A∩(B∩C) = (A∩B)∩C f) A∩(BUC) = (A∩B)U(A∩C)
c) A∩A = A g) AU(B∩C) = (AUB)∩(AUC)
d) A∩Ο = Ο
C) Complement of Set (Ac):- All except 'A' part.
Ac = U-A
π Properties
a) Ac = U-A
b) Complement Ac of Ac = A
Now According to De-Morgan's Theorem
c) (A ∩B)c = AcUBc
d) (AUB)c = Ac∩Bc
D) Difference of Two Sets:- The difference of set A and B in this order is the set of element which belongs to A but not B.
Ex:- A={1,2} B={2,3}
Then, A-B= {1}
π Properties
a) A-A = Ο d) U-Ο = U
b) A-Ο = A e) A-U = Ο
c) U-U = Ο
NOTE:- a) If A∩B = Ο, then A,B Sets are called DISJOINT SETS.
D) Symmetric difference of two sets:- For two sets A and B, symmetric difference of these sets is the set consisting of elements of set A and B taken together except common element.
Ex:- A={1,2} B={2,3}
A△B = {1,3}
# Important formula
A) n(AUB) = n(A) + n(B) - n(A∩B)
B) n(AUBUC) = n(A) + n(B) + n(C) - n(A∩B) - n(B∩C) - n(A∩C) + n(AUBUC)